Our country was founded by jackass white men who raped women, owned slaves, and killed people to get what they wanted. They didn’t listen to the British, they didn’t listen to the Indigenous people, they just came and conquered. We see them as heroes because history is written by the victors, but more and more we are starting to embrace that they were ASSHOLES.
And yet (very small yet) they created documents that allowed for interpretation that have been pushed and changed and rewritten to be more inclusive and less racist/sexist/xenophobic. Our country is still founded upon the beliefs of these often awful straight white males, but we have found ways to take it back. We being the people who aren’t those who are privileged. We being the people who aren’t rich, don’t have penises, and don’t conform to outdated standards.
This country operates as a pendulum. The farther it swings one way, the harder it’ll swing the other. Trump is a response to the first black president. Kavanaugh is a response to Obama appointing two women to the Supreme Court, one of which as the first Justice of hispanic descent.
So as much as this period in our country absolutely makes me disheartened, angry, and ashamed, I know that the pendulum will swing back. We will have our time, and we will make it right. And we will fight when the rebuttal happens again. But we can’t let them win. We will die, and we must do all that we can to make this country, this society, more decent than the one we were born into. It was founded by hypocrites, but adopted by those who see more justice than they ever did. And our goal should be to fight so hard for equality and others’ rights, that one day we are viewed as those who were outdated and blind.
It’ll be okay. I am ashamed, but the pendulum will swing back. And we will be ready.
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