Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Update in Metaphor

The last third of 2018 was a bit of a waking nightmare. Suddly I was in the deep end, gasping for air, turning my leap of faith terrifying once my raft no longer had room for me. So I spent the following months paddling from buoy to buoy hoping to find newest way of staying afloat. 
For now, I've caught my breath, but we'll see how permanent and supportive this makeshift raft is. 

It's been rough. I'm working six days a week, and have had to put a lot on hold. Auditioning, travel, health even have all taken a backseat. I've felt insecure, worried about moving backwards, of falling farther from where I know I can be. I've always known what I want to do, the problem has always been the how. And I've finally come to terms with being on a new path to get there. 

Of course, I'll maintain updates on how the journey shapes up, but in the meantime I can confidently say I feel more connected to people than I have in awhile. My day to day is centered on making others feel confident and happy, and I am loving being the liason between them and such a noble goal.
I'm hoping there's more empowerment up the road. I thought I was ready to swim, but at least it's a comfort to be can on stable ground. 

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